Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Women’s Getaway

If you had to choose one highlight of your ministry year, what would it be? Mine would be going to the MidSouth Women’s Getaway. In the earlier years of my life, I lived under a lot of stress – doing ministry while caring for two kids and a disabled husband. I would often dream of the day when I’d be at the women’s conference laughing, crying and going to movies with my staff girl friends! Getting out of my normal routine was refreshing. I was able to take time alone with the Lord without interruption, hear some great talks and to be “off-duty” from my many responsibilities. (I am an introvert, but still love this conference!)

Often women don’t attend because they have ministry obligations they feel they can’t leave. Can I challenge you to take the break this year? Every year I meet women who tell me they didn’t want to come to the conference, but came at the encouragement of a friend or husband and they were so glad they came! It changed their lives~

Perhaps money is tight at your house. Could you start saving now so you can join us? (Like the CSU account - put away a little bit every week and it will add up.)

If you have been to a MidSouth Women’s Conference before, what was your highlight? If you have not been able to join us in past years, please consider coming this year! Come with the attitude of “giving” as well as “getting”. We want to get to know you~ The time is designed for you to meet new friends as well as enjoy your old friends. A shout out to my discussion group from last year! I loved our authentic sharing times together. (We love you, Erin Smith!)

This February we are going to the gorgeous Inn on Biltmore Estate. Staying there is like walking into a fairy tale. J We will enjoy the beautiful surroundings of the Biltmore properties, but you are free to explore other favorite places in Asheville if you’d like. After rave reviews from last year, our “speakers” will be our own MidSouth staff sisters as they share the Word of God with us.

Please join me this February 19-22, 2011 for our MidSouth Women’s Getaway. I can assure you it will be an experience you will never forget!


  1. I'm looking forward to the Get Away!!! Even though I'm not a MidSouther any more I'm planning on coming from Red River to join ya'll! Can't wait to see friends, worship the Lord with you, and enjoy some great teaching and encouragement.

    I have great memories from Women's Conferences~ always so encouraging and uplifting. And helped me be refreshed to go back to campus :)

  2. I almost didn't come last year because of finances, a baby, and the travel time. I am SO SO SO glad I did! It was amazing to sit next to my sisters and learn that the things I was ashamed of admitting (like how difficult it is for me to spend time with the Lord these days) were shared by them too! It was probably the most refreshing few days of my whole year! I definitely encourage you all to go!

  3. Last year was my all time favorite women's conference. While conferences are my "job" it was such a treat to get away. I got to know women I'd never cross paths with normally so that was a highlight for me.

    As for Inn on Biltmore Estate? My word. By far that is the nicest hotel I've ever stayed.

    Lord-willing I'll be there again this year! And it isn't back-to-back with Preview!

  4. Can't wait to come this year! By far one of the most enjoyable and refreshing conferences I've been too!

  5. It encourages me to read your posts! I am glad you are already making plans to come~ Feel free to post any content input, too, as we're in the planning stages. What other things do you like about the women's conference (which we've changed the name to 'Women's Getaway'!! - thought we'd follow the name change trend - We didn't even have to hire a branding company - ha!)
